Sunday, June 23, 2013

Library Holds

I think libraries are fantastic. If I purchased every book I read, I'd go broke buying books. I think I've read nearly 30 books from my library already this year.

There's a problem with using my local library for recent releases, though, and that problem is that I'm not the only person who wants them. Sometimes, I manage to be the first person to put a hold on them, and then I get to read them as soon as the library has them ready. Other times, there are a few other people who put them on hold before I do, which means that after waiting for a book to be released, I have to wait even longer to read it from the library.

So, here's a list of all the books I'm currently waiting for from the library.

Truly, Madly, Deadly
Hannah Jayne

Belle Epoque
Elizabeth Ross

The Testing
Joelle Charbonneau

The Book of Broken Hearts
Sarah Ockler

Margaret Stohl

Amy Tintera

The Ward
Jordana Frankel

Identity Theft
Anna Davies

The Rules
Stacey Kade

Emilie and the Hollow World
Martha Wells

Lauren Oliver

Eleanor and Park
Rainbow Rowell

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